Saturday, December 18, 2010

FELIX revisited

a detail from a dummy page.

i have been working on a project i tentatively call FELIX. finished my entirely redone second version. i'm completely absorbed by my new approach to story telling: the strip form. i have been working on it for the last 3 or 4 years. it suits my personal rhythm and pacing. i can concentrate on what is so important to me: emotions. plus i have a great time working that way.

Friday, December 3, 2010

contract with charlesbridge

happy call from Linda yesterday: Charlesbridge wants to acquire my book, A VERY TINY BABY. I am thrilled. the image is a detail from the dummy. we will have to wait a long time for anything more final.
the story is told in a sort of journal/scrap book/ strip form. it originally stems from my experience as the mother of a very premature baby but surprisingly (to me!) much more from my experience as the 2 year old sister of a very premature brother. all the emotions a young child feels when a new baby comes along are there... with the extra drama of the baby's prematurity.